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Class : 3

Subject: Maths

Week No:

Topic: Division

Periods No:

Contents Division with reminder


Make sure that children understand meaning of remainder in division.

Teaching Aids

Things like notebooks, stones, pencils and rubbers.


Children already aware of remainder she will recap with some activities. She will call few children front and distribute things like pencils stones, notebooks, or rubber equally to everybody. Few things will left. Then she will tell that these things can not divide equally to everybody what to do? We can not break so such things we call remainder. In division we also have such number where you can not divide. She will show how to do remainder with hundreds

For example:

Let’s divide 796 by 3

7-----> quotient


4 796

- 6

------------ We write the answer:

19 265 r1



1 is remainder

After that I will ask children to complete page no 106 from countdown. She will give more worksheets related topic for more practice.

Homework Children will given worksheet.

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